RiMaTec GmbH
Status: January 2015
I. Validity and conclusion of contract
- Our delivery and assembly conditions apply to all of our services in the version current at the time of conclusion of the contract as well as to future transactions with the customer in the version current at the time of conclusion of the contract.
- Subject to contractual agreements, these General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply exclusively. Other provisions do not become part of the contract, even if we do not expressly object to them. This applies in particular to general terms and conditions of contractual partners that contradict or supplement our GTC.
- Our offers are non-binding. A contract is only concluded upon our written order confirmation. The scope of our services is conclusively determined by our written order confirmation and its written attachments.
- Subsidiary agreements and changes only become effective with our written confirmation. This also applies to the exclusion of this regulation.
- Our fulfillment of the contract with regard to those delivery items that are subject to government export regulations is subject to the condition that we are granted the necessary permits.
- Documents and information provided by us, such as illustrations, drawings, weight and dimensions, are only binding if we expressly list them as part of the contract or expressly refer to them.
- We reserve our ownership rights and copyrights to all information and documents provided (e.g. samples, cost estimates, drawings, documentation) - including in electronic form. They may not be made available to third parties without our prior written consent.
- The written form can be replaced by fax, but not by the electronic form according to Section 126a BGB or the text form according to Section 126b BGB.
- These Terms and Conditions are not intended for use with consumers according to Section 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB).
- Our prices are ex works plus VAT at the applicable statutory rate, packaging and loading.
- Cost estimates are only binding in written form.
- Payments must be made without any deductions to one of our accounts.
- The customer may only offset or exercise a right of retention with counterclaims that are undisputed in reason and amount or have been legally established.
- Payments by the customer are due upon receipt of our invoice. The customer is in default of payment no later than 30 days after receipt of the invoice or, if the time of receipt of the invoice cannot be determined, 30 days after receipt of the delivery or assembly without further reminder and is obliged to pay default interest of 8 percentage points above the base interest rate.
- The prices of the offer only apply when ordering the full scope of the services offered.
- INCOTERMS 2010 EXW are deemed to be agreed. Deliveries are made “Ex Works Dannenberg”, unless otherwise agreed.
- The provisions on the transfer of risk also apply if partial deliveries are made or if further services are to be provided by us.
- If delivery is delayed or does not take place due to circumstances beyond our control, the risk shall pass to the customer on the day on which we notify the customer that the goods are ready for delivery.
- At the customer’s request, we will take out the required insurance at the customer’s expense.
- Ownership of the delivered items only passes to the customer after they have been paid for in full. If the validity of the retention of title is subject to special conditions or formal requirements in the country of destination, the customer must ensure that these are met.
- The customer may not pledge, sell or assign the delivery item as security before the transfer of ownership. In the event of seizure, confiscation or other disposal by third parties, the customer must point out our ownership and notify us immediately.
- If the customer breaches the contract, in particular if payment is delayed, we are entitled to take back the goods after issuing a reminder. The customer is obliged to hand them over. Neither the assertion of the retention of title nor the seizure of the delivery item by us shall be deemed to constitute withdrawal.
- An application for the opening of insolvency proceedings against the customer's assets entitles us to withdraw from the contract and demand the immediate return of the delivery item.
If the customer is based in the Federal Republic of Germany, the
following applies in addition:
- Deviating from Section IV.1, we reserve title to the delivery items until all our claims against the customer from the ongoing business relationship have been satisfied.
- Deviating from Section IV.2., the customer is entitled to resell or process delivery items subject to retention of title in the ordinary course of business under the following conditions: He must resell the delivery items subject to retention of title if the delivery items are not paid for in full immediately by the third-party purchaser. The right to resell ceases if the customer defaults on payment. Upon conclusion of the contract, the customer assigns to us all claims arising from a resale or any other legal basis. In the event of co-ownership, the assignment only includes the portion of the claim corresponding to our co-ownership.
- The customer remains authorized to collect the claims assigned to us even after the assignment as long as he meets his payment obligations to us in accordance with the contract. Notwithstanding the above, we can at any time demand that the customer inform us of the assigned claims and their debtors. In these cases, the customer must provide us with all information required for collection, hand over the documents required for this purpose and inform the debtor of the assignment.
- The processing of reserved goods is always carried out by the customer for us. If the reserved goods are mixed, blended, combined or processed with other items that are not our property, we inherit the (co-)ownership of the new item in proportion to the invoice value of the reserved goods to the other processed items at the time of processing. If our goods are mixed, blended, combined or processed with other movable items to form a single item and the other item is to be regarded as the main item, it is agreed that the customer transfers proportionate ownership to us, insofar as the main item belongs to him. The customer keeps the ownership or co-ownership safe for us. The same applies to the item created by mixing, blending, combining or processing as to the reserved goods.
- We undertake to release the securities to which we are entitled to the extent that their invoice value exceeds our outstanding (remaining) claims by more than 15%, not just temporarily.
- If our delivery items are permanently connected to land or inserted into a building, the connection or insertion is only for a temporary purpose.
- Compliance with the agreed delivery period requires that all commercial and technical questions between us and the customer have been clarified and that the customer has fulfilled all of his obligations, in particular by handing over all documentation, service descriptions, etc. to us. If this is not the case, the delivery period will be extended accordingly. This does not apply if we are responsible for the delay.
- Die Einhaltung der Leistungsfrist steht unter dem Vorbehalt richtiger und rechtzeitiger Selbstbelieferung durch unsere Komponentenzulieferer. Sich erkennbar abzeichnende Verzögerungen teilen wir umgehend unter Angabe der Gründe mit.
- Die Leistungsfrist ist eingehalten, wenn bis zu ihrem Ablauf die Lieferbereitschaft mitgeteilt ist.
- Wird die Lieferung des Liefergegenstandes aus Gründen verzögert, die der Kunde zu vertreten hat, so werden ihm die durch die Verzögerung entstandenen Kosten berechnet. Die Geltendmachung weiteren Schadenersatzes bleibt vorbehalten.
- Wir behalten uns vor, nach Setzung und fruchtlosem Ablauf einer angemessenen Frist zur Lieferung anderweitig über den Liefergegenstand zu verfügen und den Kunden mit angemessen verlängerter Frist zu beliefern.
- Kommen wir in Verzug und entsteht dem Kunden hieraus ein Schaden, so ist er berechtigt, eine pauschale Verzugsentschädigung zu fordern.
- Der Kunde ist im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Vorschriften zum Rücktritt berechtigt, wenn – unter Berücksichtigung der gesetzlichen Ausnahmefälle – eine uns während unseres Verzuges gesetzte angemessene Frist zur Leistungserbringung fruchtlos verstreicht.
- Weitere Ansprüche aus Lieferverzug bestimmen sich ausschließlich nach Abschnitt VIII.
- Alle weiteren Mängelansprüche (insbesondere auf Ersatz von Schäden, die nicht am Liefergegenstand selbst entstanden sind) bestimmen sich ausschließlich nach dem Abschnitt VII.
- Beim Verkauf gebrauchter Waren sind, soweit eine Haftung nicht gesetzlich zwingend vorgeschrieben ist, Mängelansprüche ausgeschlossen.
- Bei Verletzung wesentlicher Vertragspflichten haften wir auch für grobe Fahrlässigkeit nicht leitender Angestellter sowie für leichte Fahrlässigkeit der Organe oder leitender Angestellter. Im Falle leichter Fahrlässigkeit ist die Haftung auf den vertragstypischen, vernünftigerweise vorhersehbaren Schaden beschränkt.
- Unsere Haftung für die Vernichtung von Daten beschränkt sich auf den nachgewiesenen Kostenaufwand, der zu ihrer Rekonstruktion erforderlich ist, wenn diese Daten durch den Kunden ordnungsgemäß gesichert wurden, und beträgt höchstens € 1.000,00.
- Der Ersatz von reinen Vermögensschäden wird durch die allgemeinen Grundsätze von Treu und Glauben, etwa in den Fällen der Unverhältnismäßigkeit zwischen Höhe des Auftragswertes und Schadenshöhe, begrenzt und beträgt höchstens € 1.000,00.
- Eine weitere Haftung – aus welchen Rechtsgründen auch immer -, insbesondere auch auf Ersatz von Schäden, die nicht am Liefergegenstand selbst entstanden sind, ist ausgeschlossen.
- Wir haften nicht für die Folgen von Mängeln, für die gemäß Abschnitt VII. Ziff. 1.c. keine Mängelansprüche entstehen.
- Mängelansprüche des Kunden verjähren in 12 Monaten ab Gefahrübergang.
- Mängelansprüche des Kunden wegen Mängeln an Bauwerken, bzw. wegen Werken, deren Erfolg in der Erbringung von Planungs- oder Überwachungsleistungen für Bauwerke bestehen, verjähren in 5 Jahren ab Gefahrübergang.
- Mit Ausnahme der Ansprüche in Abschnitt IX. Ziff. 4. verjähren alle übrigen Ansprüche des Kunden – aus welchen Rechtsgründen auch immer – in 12 Monaten ab Gefahrübergang.
- Für die Verletzung von Leben, Körper oder Gesundheit, grob fahrlässiges Verhalten von Organen oder leitenden Angestellten, vorsätzliches oder arglistiges Verhalten, die schuldhafte Verletzung wesentlicher Vertragspflichten, Garantien sowie bei Ansprüchen nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz gelten stattdessen die gesetzlichen Verjährungsvorschriften.
- Der Beginn der Verjährung bestimmt sich nach den gesetzlichen Vorschriften.
- Alle Steuern, Gebühren und Abgaben im Zusammenhang mit der Leistung außerhalb der Bundesrepublik Deutschland hat der Kunde zu tragen und gegebenenfalls an uns zu erstatten.
- Personenbezogene Daten werden von uns unter Beachtung der gesetzlichen Vorschriften gespeichert.
- Wir erstatten keine Rücktransportkosten der Verpackung.
- Der Kunde hat auf seine Kosten die für seine Verwendung der Produkte erforderlichen Genehmigungen und/oder Ex-und Importpapiere zu beschaffen.
- Leistungs- und Erfüllungsort für alle Verpflichtungen aus dem Vertragsverhältnis ist unser Firmensitz.
- Sollten einzelne Bedingungen dieser Geschäftsbedingungen oder des Vertrages ganz oder teilweise unwirksam sein oder werden, bleiben die übrigen Bedingungen hiervon unberührt.
- Bei Widersprüchen zwischen der englischen und deutschen Fassung der jeweiligen Bedingungen ist allein die deutsche Fassung maßgeblich.
- Hat der Kunde seinen Sitz außerhalb der Bundesrepublik Deutschland findet ein Schiedsgerichtsverfahren bei der Internationalen Handelskammer in Paris nach der ICC-Schiedsgerichtsordnung statt. Die Entscheidung ist endgültig. Sie ist durch drei Richter zu fällen und zu begründen. Die Mitwirkung unseres Versicherers entsprechend den Mitwirkungsmöglichkeiten im ordentlichen Rechtsweg ist möglich. Klageerhebung an einem gesetzlichen Gerichtsstand behalten wir uns vor.
- Es gilt das Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, unter Ausschluß aller Kollisionsnormen und des Übereinkommens der Vereinten Nationen über den internationalen Warenkauf (CISG).
- The latest version of our terms and conditions of delivery and installation at the time of conclusion of the agreement shall be applicable to all our services. In addition, the latest version of our cost rates at the time of conclusion of the agreement shall be applicable.
- Save any contractual arrangements, these general terms and conditions of business (GTB) shall be applicable exclusively. Other provisions shall not become part of this agreement even if we have no explicit objection. This shall hold true particularly for GTBs of contractual partners conflicting with or supplementary to our GTB.
- Our offers are subject to change. An agreement shall come into effect only upon written confirmation of order by us. Our scope of services shall be conclusively defined via our written confirmation of order along with annexures in writing.
- Collateral agreements and amendments shall be effective only after our written confirmation. This applies to the waiver of this provision as well.
- Our performance of the agreement in respect of those elements of delivery that are covered under governmental export regulations shall be subject to necessary approvals being granted to us.
- Documents and data provided by us such as images, diagrams, specifications of weights and measures shall be binding only if we explicitly list these as a component of this agreement or explicitly refer to the same.
- We reserve our rights of ownership and copyright to all information and documents provided (e.g. samples, cost estimates, diagrams, documentation), even in electronic form. These shall not be provided to third parties without our prior written consent.
- The written form can be substituted by fax, but not by electronic form in accordance with § 126a BGB (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch = German Civil Code) or text form in accordance with § 126b BGB.
- These GTB may not be used with respect to clients in accordance with § 13 BGB.
- Our prices are ex works plus statutorily applicable VAT, packing and loading.
- For services within the European Union, the customer must provide its sales tax ID number in good time before the contractually arranged delivery date as proof of its exemption from VAT. We reserve the right to charge the VAT applicable respectively in case of failure to provide this information in full and in good time.
- For services outside the European Union, we shall be entitled to charge statutory VAT additionally if the customer does not provide us proof of exportation within a month of dispatch.
- Cost estimates are binding in written form alone.
- Payment must be made into one of our accounts without deduction.
- Customer may only set off or withhold payment in the case of counterclaims for which the legal basis or amount thereof are not disputed or are final and absolute.
- Payments by the customer shall come due after receipt of our invoice. Provided no other payment deadline is arranged, the customer shall come into default 30 days after receipt of invoice, or, should the date of invoice be unclear, 30 days after receipt of goods or the installation. without further notice and shall be obligated to pay interest on arrears at 8 percentage points above the base interest rate.
- Offer prices shall be applicable only if the full range of services offered is ordered.
- We reserve the right to part performance that is reasonable.
- INCOTERMS 2000 EXW shall be considered agreed. Deliveries shall take place “ex works Dannenberg” unless agreed otherwise.
- Provisions for the passing of risk shall apply even if part performance is effectuated or further services are to be provided by us.
- If delivery is delayed or does not take place due to circumstances not attributable to us, risk shall pass to the customer on the date of notification of readiness for delivery.
- If desired by the customer, we shall take out insurance policies as required at the customer’s cost.
- Delivery items shall pass into the ownership of the customer only after complete payment has been effected. The customer is responsible for ensuring that any specific preconditions or formalities linked to reservation of ownership in the country of consignment for it to have legal force are satisfied.
- The customer may not hypothecate, sell or assign by way of security the delivery item prior to the transfer of ownership. In the event of hypothecation, confiscation or other disposals by third parties, the customer must indicate our ownership and inform us immediately.
- We shall be entitled to take back the goods after notice in case actions by the customer lead to a breach of this agreement, particularly in case of default of payment. The customer is obligated to return the goods. Neither assertion of reservation of ownership nor confiscation of the delivery item by us shall be considered as rescission of the agreement.
- An application to initiate bankruptcy proceedings over the customer’s assets entitles us to rescind from the agreement and to demand immediate return of the delivery item.
- In addition, the following shall be applicable if the customer has its headquarters in the Federal Republic of Germany:
- Notwithstanding Section V. Item 1., we reserve the right to ownership of the delivery items till all claims against the customer arising out of the current business relationship are satisfied.
- Notwithstanding Section V. Item 2., the customer is entitled to resell or refinish the delivery items covered under reservation of ownership in the ordinary course of business subject to the following conditions: It must resell delivery items that are subject to reservation of ownership if a third party purchasing the delivery items does not pay for them immediately in full. The right to resell shall stand cancelled if the customer comes into default of payment. With the conclusion of this agreement, the customer assigns us all claims arising out of a resale or any other legal ground. In the event of creation of co-ownership, the assignment shall include only that portion of the claim that corresponds to our co-ownership.
- The customer shall remain entitled to recover claims assigned to us even after assignment as long as it complies with its payment obligations towards us in accordance with the agreement. Irrespective of the same, we shall be at liberty to request the customer to provide information about claims assigned and their debtors at any time. In such cases, the customer must furnish us all information required for collection, provide all documents needed and inform the debtor about the assignment.
- The customer shall finish goods subject to reservation of ownership for us at all times. If goods subject to reservation of ownership are mixed, mingled, combined or finished with other items not owned by us, we shall acquire (co)-ownership to the new item in proportion to the ratio of the invoice amount, at the time of finishing, of the goods subject to reservation of ownership to the other items finished. If our goods are mixed, mingled, combined or finished with other movable items into one uniform item, and the other item can be considered the principal item, it shall be considered agreed that the customer has conferred us proportionate ownership, provided the principal item belongs to it. The customer shall maintain ownership or co-ownership for us. The same shall apply in other respects to the item resulting from mixing, mingling, combining or finishing as it does to items subject to reservation of ownership.
- We undertake to release the securities to which we are entitled to the extent that their invoice value not only temporarily exceeds our as yet unsatisfied (residual) claims by more than 15%.
- The affixing or incorporation of our delivery items that are affixed to land or incorporation into a building shall be for temporary purposes only.
- Compliance with the service period arranged presupposes that all commercial and technical issues between us and the customer have been clarified, that the customer has met all obligations incumbent on it, and in particular has provided us all documents, service descriptions etc. The service period shall be extended appropriately if this is not the case, but not if the delay is attributable to us.
- Compliance with the service period is subject to correct on-time receipt of components by us from our component suppliers. We shall provide information immediately of any impending and evident delays, providing reasons for the same.
- The service period shall be complied with if notification of readiness for delivery is made before expiry of the service period.
- Costs incurred due to delay shall accrue to the customer if the delay in delivery of the delivery item is attributable to the customer. The right to assert other damages shall remain reserved.
- After an appropriate timeframe has been set for delivery that expires without outcome, we reserve the right to dispose of the delivery item in any other manner and provide it to the customer within a suitably extended period.
- In case of partial impossibility, the customer may rescind from the agreement only if part performance is demonstrably of no interest to the customer. If part performance continues to be of interest to the customer, the customer must pay the contractual price that can be apportioned to the part performance.
- If we are in default and this results in damages for the customer, the customer is entitled to demand a lump-sum compensation for default.
- The customer is entitled to rescind from the agreement within the scope of legal provisions if a suitable deadline for the supply of services set for us at the time of our default expires without outcome, subject to exceptions under the law.
- Other claims due to delays in delivery shall be determined exclusively in accordance with Section VIII.
- In the event of material defects and defects in title, the customer has the following claims for defects:
- Claims for defects by the customer presuppose that it has properly complied with its requirements to examine the merchandise and notify defects as required under § 377 HGB (Handelsgesetzbuch = German Commercial Code).
- If the delivery item was already demonstrably defective at the passing of risk in accordance with the Section IV, we shall at our discretion supply an item free of defect or with defects rectified. The customer must report the defect immediately providing us written details specifying and describing the defect notified. We reserve the right to ownership of any parts replaced under the exchange procedure.
- Claims for defects cannot originate on grounds where negligence cannot be imputed to us. They cannot originate in the following cases not attributable to us either, such as:
- The customer must give us sufficient time and opportunity for subsequent performance. We shall not be responsible for the consequences if we are not given this opportunity. The customer shall have the right to rectify the defect itself or have it rectified by a third party only in emergencies involving danger to operational safety or to prevent excessively heavy damage, of which we shall be notified immediately, and shall be entitled to ask us for reimbursement of the costs occasioned.
- In case of subsequent improvement, we shall bear the labor and material costs incurred for the removal of defect. Excluded are expenditures for shipments of the supposedly defected items back to the place of performance for subsequent improvement.
- In the event of negligent contributory fault for the defect on the part of the customer, particularly due to noncompliance with its obligation to prevent and reduce damage, we shall be entitled to claim compensatory damages corresponding to the customer’s contributory fault after subsequent performance.
- If a suitable deadline set for us for subsequent performance expires without outcome due to a defect, the customer is entitled to rescind from the agreement, subject to exceptions under the law. In case of only a minor defect, the customer is merely entitled to a reduction in the contractual price. A right of reduction in contractual price shall otherwise be excluded.
- Should the use of the delivery item within the timeframes listed in Section IX. lead to an infringement of protected privileges or copyrights, we shall in principle acquire for the customer the right to further use or shall modify the delivery item in such manner that the infringement of protected privilege of copyright no longer persists. The parties shall be entitled to rescind from the agreement if this is not possible under conditions that are economically appropriate or within an appropriate time frame. During these periods, we shall release the customer from claims by the concerned rights holder that are disputed or recognized by declaratory judgment.
- In case of infringement of protected privilege or copyright, our obligations listed in Section VII. Item 1.h. are final, subject to Section VIII.
- A claim for subsequent performance due to infringement of protected privilege or copyright shall exist only if
- the customer informs us immediately in writing, providing specifications and a description of the infringement of the protected privilege and copyrights asserted,
- the customer supports us appropriately in the defense of claims asserted and facilitates the institution of the measures for modification under Section VII. Item 1.h.,
- we retain the right to take any defensive measures, including out-of-court settlement,
- the infringement of protected privileges or copyrights is not at the customer’s instructions or specifications,
- the infringement of protected privilege or copyright was not caused by the customer’s modification of the delivery item arbitrarily or its use in a manner contrary to the agreement.
- All other claims for defect (in particular, claims for damages not sustained by the delivery item itself) shall be determined exclusively in accordance with Section VII.
- Claims for defects in the sale of used goods are excluded, provided liability is not compulsorily stipulated under law.
- We shall only be liable, even in the event of damages due to breach of duty in contractual negotiations
regardless of legal ground (and in particular, for damages not sustained by the delivery item itself), in
the case of:
- intent,
- culpable violation of essential contractual obligations,
- gross negligence by organs or senior executives,
- culpable injury to life, body or health,
- defects maliciously concealed by us,
- breach of warranties for condition or durability
- personal injury or property damage to the extent the Produkthaftungsgesetz (German Product Liability Act) provides for liability for privately used items.
- In the violation of essential contractual obligations, we shall also be liable for gross negligence by employees who are not senior executives, and for slight negligence by organs and senior executives. In case of slight negligence, liability shall be restricted to reasonably foreseeable damages that are typical for this type of agreement.
- Liability for the destruction of data is restricted to proven expenditure required for its reconstruction if this data was properly insured by the customer, to a maximum of € 1,000.00.
- Compensation for pure pecuniary loss shall be restricted through the general principles of good faith to a maximum of € 1,000.00, for instance in cases of disparity between the contract value and the loss amount.
- All other liability shall be excluded regardless of any legal ground whatsoever, particularly compensation for damages not sustained by the delivery item itself.
- We shall not be liable for consequences from defects for which no claims for defects arise under Section VII. Item 1.c.
- Claims for defects by the customer shall expire 12 months after the passing of risk.
- Claims by the customer due to defects to buildings or for work for which the success depends on the rendering of planning or oversight services for buildings shall expire 5 years after the passing of risk.
- With the exception of claims in Section IX. Item 4, all other claims by the customer, regardless of legal ground whatsoever, shall expire 12 months after the passing of risk.
- For injury to life, body or health, grossly negligent conduct by organs or senior executives, intentional or malicious conduct, culpable violation of essential contractual obligations, warranties, as well as claims under the German Product Liability Act, statutory limitations shall be applicable instead.
- Commencement of the period of limitation shall be determined on the basis of legal provisions.
- All taxes, fees and charges in connection with performance outside the Federal Republic of Germany shall be borne by the customer and if need be reimbursed to us.
- Personnel related data shall be stored by us in compliance with statutory regulations.
- We shall not refund return transportation packing costs.
- The customer shall obtain all approvals and/or export and import papers required for the use of the products at his own cost.
- The place of performance and the place of payment for all obligations related to the contractual relationship shall be our company headquarters.
- Should individual terms in these terms and conditions of business or in the agreement be or become invalid in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby.
- In the event of discrepancies between the English and German versions of the respective terms and conditions, the German version prevails.
- If the customer's corporate headquarters are located in the Federal Republic of Germany, the place of jurisdiction shall be our company headquarters. We reserve the right to commence action at the customer's statutory place of jurisdiction.
- If the customer's corporate headquarters are located outside the Federal Republic of Germany, arbitration proceedings shall be conducted at the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris under ICC rules of arbitration. Its order shall be final. The order shall be delivered by three judges stating reasons. Our insurance company may participate under the options for participation by due legal process. We reserve the right to commence action at a statutory place of jurisdiction.
- This agreement is governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of all conflicting rules and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).